Monday, August 2, 2010

It's like impossible to root those tagetes lucida cuttings which I took. I have been trying so many times and no one time had I gotten any promising result. Those cuttings just either wilt a few hours later or simply bide their time to eventually rot into nothingness. I am really finding it very hard to garden around these days when this is not the only setback that I have faced. Besides the tagetes lucida, my basil cuttings did not work out too. I have no idea anymore. I probably watered too much. It could also be the soil that may be the problem as it was perhaps unsuitable for the establishment of the said cuttings. Nevertheless, I shan't let this lack of success bog me down too much. I shall try again and hopefully, the next attempt at rooting the basil and tagetes lucida cuttings would be splendidly successful! Let's keep my fingers crossed for now.

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