Saturday, July 7, 2012

Well, my chilli plant finally gave me a fruit, or two, and yes, it has only been two chilli fruits at most. I think I really need to re-think my skills as a chilli grower and hopefully try again. This time, I really hope I can have a better progress than before and perhaps see more chilli fruits appearing. Also, my corridor garden is in a terrible state right now as we speak. All my plants are languishing after a long period of neglect and I hate myself right now for not doing enough and learning enough to produce a long dreamt of lushness that I absolutely want to see outside my house. I think I need to work harder this time and maybe things might change for the better!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Catnip again

It's official! Catnips are a go at my small and humble corridor garden. I just bought the seeds (Horti) from NTUC Xtra @ Nex yesterday and they are sown into the soil this morning. You can probably imagine my excitement when I saw the trove of Horti seeds at the outlet. IT WAS TOTALLY AMAZING! I have not caught so many Horti seeds on display for such a long time since the invasion of the Chinese seeds which are considered more profitable, I suppose. Anyways, I saw the seed packet labelled "Catnip" and I knew that I had to buy it. So 'buy it' I did! I also bought a packet of Sweet Marjoram which I have yet to sow. I think I will wait for the Catnip to start germinating and establishing itself first before I open up the next packet for sowing., We'll see how it goes. After all, this is my nth time growing catnip to no success at all.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A long due update

I think my passion or should I say desire to garden is burning more strongly now than ever. In every respect to that, I have literally filled out my corridor with plants, or plant pots more specifically, and there seems to be no more space for new pots. Or maybe there is space, just that I need to tinker with the position of the existing pots. What I want to say is, I think I am over-doing the buying and growing of plants. Sadly, even though I am running out of space, I still want to cultivate more pots of plants for my own collection and the problem with this is definitely the availability of resources to do so. I just hope the existing pots of plants can grow as healthily as they can. For now, I will try to reduce the number of purchases until I make enough space for the next few sets of plants that I may be buying.

In brief, I have sowed a couple of really exciting plants. There are Echinacea which I bought from Yates; roselle, clitoria and cotton that I got from a forumer on GCS and ruellia simplex! I really hope the seeds can germinate soon and that my potting mixture is good enough before the transplant. I will be moving these plants into my community garden once I feel that they are strong enough for the move.

Other than seeds that were sown, I have been buying mature pots of plants over the past few weeks. These include Catheranthus roseus or Periwinkle, Graptophyllum pictum or Caricature plant, Artemisia scoparia or False dill, 2 pots of Coleus and Dill. I really hope to propagate more of my Periwinkle soon (btw, it is a pink bright eyes) but I need to wait for the seed pots to mature. Oh, I also bought lemon basil which I have already transplanted into their respective pots.

I still have more plants that I really wish to grow. The wishlist of plants continues to grow.

Lastly, I would like to add an update. In the last post, I have mentioned my Gomphrena globosa, or Globe Amaranth seedlings. Well, they are still alive and kicking, thankfully. I wish they can grow to maturity and give me a sea of beautiful red globes to feast my eyes out! My fingers are crossed!

Photos of my garden will be up soon, as soon as I get them taken! :D

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I have globe amaranth seedlings, officially

Globe amaranth, or Gomphrena globosa, has always been a fascination for me. I have tried to grow it from seeds but to no avail. Feeling rather depressed, I took to growing the plant with cuttings. Fortunately, it worked! With the success of the cutting, roots were established and before I knew it, flowers have appeared profusely. This particular cutting that I am talking about is grown in my community garden plot. My other cutting grown outside my house did not have this privilege though. Its growth was seen to be more retarded and just recently, I decided to make another cutting, only this time, I have located this new cutting in a new pot of soil. I hope the new cutting can put out roots and just flourish. However, in the meantime, I have my seedlings to anticipate and look at, thanks to the flowering cutting in the community plot. More updates about the cutting and seedlings to come. I just hope the seedlings would harden out and grow as healthily as possible.